Beautify the walls of the house

  Reform of the home interior, you should not only focus on the selection of furniture alone. Try to develop the interior to a blank wall, making the room look more attractive. Decorate the walls are manifold. In addition to giving a touch of color through the paint, could also hang paintings or accessories. The point is, do not leave a blank wall because it will impress the void.

wall 1 If you want to paint the walls with paint, how to paint one area in the room with the dominant color. So space is a focal point that attracts attention. For example, by staining the walls of the center with a different color from the overall color, predominantly white.
Want more prominent? If you paint your hobby, why not try to create a mural on the wall. For example, figure drawing imaginative child on his bedroom wall, can change over the room. After drawing so, add a decorative paint a picture that looks alive.
wall 2
Lazy to paint? The walls still adorned with the wallpaper. Today, a lot of wallpaper from various motifs, colors, size, price follows. Just like the accent of space through painting, the use of wallpaper should not be applied to the entire room. Because motives are too busy even to make the house feel "full." Choose one of the walls in one room. Attach neatly, then combined with paintings, accessories, or a unique wall clock.
Want to decorate the walls with the simplest way? Make a collage picture of yourself and your family, make some of the frame width. Place the photo with a smaller size and layout according to your taste. Just, a suggestion, select a photo full of memories with family and friends. The wall has become one of the nostalgia.
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