The houses of bamboo are generally not very large, but still able to meet the needs of space of modern humans, such as bedrooms, living room, dining room, living room family, kitchen, two bathrooms and terrace.
The primary component of the House using the options of bamboo, bamboo Betung, string Gombong of bamboo, bamboo and black bamboo, diameter 12 cm to 20 cm. Each rope tied with 10 types of bonds bamboo fibers. Fibers of the rope not only serve to reinforce the construction, but it also gives a touch of beauty.
The wall is made of woven bamboo, while the floors with a bamboo mat called Palupuh coating. House of bamboo is also known as superior, because it is resistant to earthquakes. Which is not easy to fly with strong winds, the construction of houses of bamboo reinforced concrete base structures? To protect the homes of bamboo of the pools around the House when it rains, some walls can be combined with a brick wall of approximately a meter in height. With good care, House of bamboo with capacity for more than 20 years.
The strength of bamboo construction home very strongly depends on the type of bamboo plants are used and the construction of the switching systems. The main building structure must be made from bamboo Betung, Gombong bamboo and bamboo Tali. Although other types of bamboo, such as black bamboo, bamboo Trutul and yellow bamboo, is used only for decoration.
Betung bamboo sticks are used for construction should not be too old. Conversely, bamboo Gombong for truss structure and bamboo Tali for beams structure must be more than ten years. Characteristics of old bamboo roots, in particular, were ten segments, color was yellow and zeros mushrooms, which means that the production of sugar.
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